- Players will compete against other players in their division during each event. Divisions are determined by players handicap index at the day on the close of registration (3 days prior)
- Gross scores will be used to determine the winner within each division
- 1st place will be broken with a scorecard playoff
- Back 9 Total Score
- Last 6 Holes Total Score
- Last 3 Holes Total Score
- Last 1 Hole Score
- All other ties for points and credit will be divided equally
- If the competition has a split tee start within the same division, the “last nine holes, last six holes, etc.” is considered to be the last 9 holes of the course.
If an event is shortened due to inclement weather, scorecard playoffs will be determined by:
- 9 or more holes completed – last 9, last six, last three, last hole
- If the players are still tied using the above method, continue backwards from the last hole until a winner is determined
Points will be awarded to all the finishers in each division at each regular season event and will accumulate throughout the year.
Regular Season
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
5th |
6th |
7th |
8th |
9th |
10th |
11th + |
100 |
90 |
85 |
80 |
75 |
70 |
65 |
60 |
55 |
50 |
30 |
Players will earn a cumulative number of points throughout the year. All points awarded, irregardless of division they are earned in, will count toward the players total points for the season. At the final event of the regular season, each player will be “locked” into the division that their current handicap index places them in. (Handicap revision on September 3rd, 2020)
Players must compete in a minimum of 8 PGLAT events to be qualified for the playoffs.
The top 20 players in each division at the end of the regular season will make the 1st round of the playoffs.
2nd round – 16 players 3rd round – 12 players Tour Championship – 8 players
Playoff points (Rounds 1, 2, & 3)
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
5th |
6th |
7th |
8th |
9th |
10th |
11th + |
200 |
180 |
170 |
160 |
150 |
140 |
130 |
120 |
110 |
100 |
60 |
The top 8 players from each division will compete over 2 days on October 3rd and 4th at Kearney Hill Golf Links. The player with the best adjusted score, within their division, at the end of the 2 days will be considered the TOUR CHAMPION.
Adjusted Scores to begin Tour Championship
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
5th |
6th |
7th |
8th |
-4 |
-3 |
-3 |
-2 |
-2 |
-1 |
-1 |
E |
The TOUR CHAMPION will receive Free greens fees at all the 5 Lexington City Golf Courses from October 4th, 2020 through October 4th, 2021. Good any day and any time, course accessibility subject to tee time availability based on regular play, tournaments, outings, closures, etc. Cart fees and tournament fees are not included.
All prize money won will be issued to a PLAY GOLF LEX gift card. Each player will be given a gift card at the 1st event they play of the season. It is the golfer’s responsibility to hold on to the card for redemption. Upon winning money from an event the host professional will add the prize money to your gift card electronically. Please allow 24-48 hours after conclusion of event. Prize money can be used for greens fees, cart fees, merchandise, food, and beverage purchases at any of the 5 Lexington City Golf Courses. Gift cards cannot be redeemed for cash and have no cash value.
1. Tee time/partner requests: PGLAT will set tee times for all participants based on tournament needs. You may request to play with one player during individual events if you so choose, we will try, but cannot guarantee such requests. Please advise who that player is during the registration process. Rest of foursome will be filled randomly. In team events you will be paired with your partner but the other team will be chosen at random.
2. Time of Starting/Late to Tee: If a player arrives at his/her tee five minutes or less past his/her starting time, the penalty for failure to start on time is two strokes at the first hole. The player may tee-off and join their group with a 2 shot penalty. If a player arrives for his/her tee time more than five minutes after the starting time he/she will be disqualified.
3. Triple Bogey Stroke Limit: A player shall take no more 3 strokes above par on a particular hole. Once triple bogey has been reached, a player must pick up their ball and wait for the other players in the group to complete the hole.
4. Distance Measuring Device: Players are permitted to use optical devices (rangefinders) that measure distance based on a through-the-scope calculation by the player. GPS (global positioning system) devices with pre-programmed distances, and devices capable of gauging or measuring other conditions, are permitted. If GPS device shows slope or wind speed, these options must be disabled for tournament. Refer to USGA Rules of Golf for additional information.
5. Order of Play: Play “READY GOLF.” Players are not restricted to playing whom is farthest from the hole is first to hit or to maintain HONOR on the tee box.
6. Pace of Play: Each player must play without undue delay, which is defined as taking no more than 45 seconds to play a shot. Play “READY GOLF” and walk quickly.
A group will be deemed to be out of position on the golf course when they are over time par. Time par is determined by each hole taking an average of 15 minutes to complete a hole and/or by staying up with the group in front. When it is determined that a group is out of position on the golf course the group will be warned and asked to speed up play. If the group does not get back into position, any player in that group who does not play their stroke within 45 seconds when it is their turn will incur a one-stroke penalty. Subsequent warnings will incur a two-stroke penalty for each occurrence not to exceed the maximum of a triple bogey on any one hole. The 45-second rule is in place to assure playing without “undue delay”
7. Red Penalty Areas: Areas on the golf course that are lined/staked in red and all natural/heather/tall grass areas on the course are to be played as a Red Penalty Area whether marked or not with red lines/stakes. USGA Rule 17
See diagram 17.1d for more details on how to take proper relief
8. Out of Bounds: Players must play from previous spot with one-stroke penalty. Out of bounds is defined where white stakes or fence posts are used, the nearest inside points at ground level define out of bounds. When out of bounds is defined by a white line on the ground, the line itself is out of bounds. A ball coming to rest on or crossing any public road is considered out of bounds, even if it comes to rest on another part of the golf course.
9. Ball Drops: A “drop zone” is an area enclosed by a white/yellow circle or sign. A “ball drop” is not ground under repair.
10. Ground Under Repair: Enclosed white lined areas define ground under repair. The white lines are considered in ground under repair. Other areas of ground under repair, even though not so marked include:
a. French drains (trenches filled with stones or like)
b. Fire ant beds and mounds
11. Ball Not Found: Local rule E-5 ball not found rule is in effect. When a player’s ball has not been found, the player may take a stroke-and-distance relief, or the player has the additional option to drop a ball in and play from the relief area described in DIAGRAM 1: BALL NOT FOUND for two penalty strokes.
12. Environmental sensitive areas by Blue Stakes: To be treated as Ground Under Repair. Relief is mandatory.
13. Lifting an Embedded Ball: The “Embedded Ball Rule” as written in Appendix I, is in effect “through the green.”
14. Accidental Movement of a Ball on a Putting Green: When a player’s ball lies on the putting green, there is no penalty if the ball or ball-marker is accidentally moved by the player, his partner, his opponent, or any of their caddies or equipment. The moved ball or ball-marker must be replaced as provided in Rules 18-2, 18-3 and 20-1. This Local Rule applies only when the player’s ball or ball-marker lies on the putting green and any movement is accidental. Note: If it is determined that a player’s ball on the putting green was moved as a result of wind, water or some other natural cause such as the effects of gravity, the ball must be played as it lies from its new location. A ball-marker moved in such circumstances is replaced.
15. Disqualification Policy: No player will be disqualified for any violations of the Rules of Golf. Instead, the player will be assessed a maximum score of triple bogey on any hole where the infraction would normally lead to disqualification. In situations where the round or hole has been completed, the score of triple bogey will apply to the last hole played or to the hole where the infraction occurred. Exceptions: Code of Conduct violations
16. Signals for Suspension and Resumption of Play: If play is suspended by one long siren or horn blast or verbal direction by a Rules Committee member, the player must immediately discontinue play and look for shelter. All practice areas are closed during suspension for a dangerous situation until the Committee has declared them open for use. Penalty for breach of this rule is an triple bogey on the first hole when play resumes. It is the player’s responsibility to be ready when play resumes that will be signaled by two short siren blasts repeated or verbal direction. All players failing to start play on time after a delay will be assessed a score of triple bogey on that and any subsequent hole(s) on which their group has already begun play. A player may not join a group during play of the hole; but must join them on the next tee. A player may discontinue play and seek shelter if he believes there is dangerous weather (lightning , tornado, hurricane, etc.) regardless of whether any tournament suspension siren has been heard. The player must report to the committee as soon as practical. Bad weather (rain, wind, etc.) is not itself a good reason for discontinuing play.
PGLAT will make all decisions regarding weather delays and/or cancellations on site the day of the event. The intention is to play the event on its scheduled day, and everything possible will be done in order to do so. The final eighteen hole round may be separated into a single nine hole round.
17. Code of Conduct: Violations of the code of conduct include: abusive language, club throwing, cheating, disrespect of volunteers or officials, abuse to the golf course or the facilities, littering, or any other conduct unbecoming of a player. First offense: disqualification. Repeated violations may lead to rejection of future entries.
18. Dress Code: Players must adhere to the following dress code: Only acceptable golf attire is permitted. Collared shirts are not required. Denim is permitted. Players are prohibited from wearing shoes with metal spikes, footwear which can damage the course (boots, soccer cleats, etc), short shorts, or tank tops. Players appropriately attired will not be permitted to participate.
19. Result of the Competition: When all the scorecards have been signed, attested, collected and approved by PGLAT, the result of the competition is deemed to have been officially announced.
20. Golf Car Rental: Anyone renting a cart must be at least 16 years of age with a valid driver’s license. Competitors are expected to obey the courses golf car rules for the day (90*, Cart Path Only) or the privilege will be revoked.
21. Push/Pull Carts: Push or pull carts are permitted during competition
22. Safety: Participation during a golf tournament can be dangerous. Please be aware of others near you at all times on the course and practice areas. When driving or riding in a golf cart, please follow the manufacturers safety notices at all times. Riding in a cart or being struck by a club or ball can cause serious injury or death. Should a player feel there are dangerous weather conditions, or are alerted to another good reason such as illness, they may discontinue play. Seek shelter or medical help should these conditions arise. You may use a cell phone to call for help at any time during an event. While necessary precautions are taken by PGLAT and the host facility to insure everyone’s safety, it is important that everyone work together to provide a safe environment.
23. Late Registration Policy: Registration for all PGLAT events will close 3 days prior to event day.
A player may request entry into an event after registration closes via email to or by calling the Host Professional
A late registration request will be accepted only if there is an open tee time within the player’s division.
If a late entry is approved a $10 late entry fee will be added to the event fee.
Once tee times are created, posted and e-mailed, it is difficult to change.
24. Waiting List: If an event is full at the time a player is registering, that player will be placed on a waiting list.
- If spots in an event open up BEFORE TEE TIMES ARE CREATED, those spots will be filled based on the order of registration on the waiting list
- If spots in an event open up AFTER TEE TIMES ARE CREATED, those spots will be filled based on the order of registration within the player’s division and tee times available
- Any player that is added from a waiting list will be notified via email of their opportunity to compete in that event